Home » Transitional Pieces: MUST-HAVES

Transitional Pieces: MUST-HAVES

transitional fashion pieces on Catwalk Magazine

With the heatwave behind us, the time of slowly transitioning into autumn fashion is upon us. And that goes hand in hand with a lookout for transitional pieces to incorporate into our wardrobes. However, since the weather likes to play with us, acting all crispy and ‘autumny’ in the morning whilst surprising with a full on summer weather in the afternoon, it can be tricky (to say for the least) to come up with outfits to be comfortable in throughout the whole day. But fear not, that is where we step in. Here are some of our favourite transitional pieces that are cannot miss in your closet.


The OG transitional piece, not as warm as jumpers but thicket than shirts. Can be worn as an outerwear or an extra layer between your jacket and top.


Very similar to cardigans, this piece is also perfect for the transitional period. You can wear it as a jacket or just as an extra layer instead of a jumper.

Trench coats

Having a good trench coat in your wardrobe is a MUST. It is chic, not too thick heavy compared to other coats and extremely versatile. Honestly, if you don’t have a trench coat in your collection, what are you even doing.


Loafers are perfect shoes for a transitional period. Although sneakers are not out of the game yet, loafers are pretty much in the lead here. They can be dressed up or down, fit every style and give your outfits that ‘autumn’ look.

Knitted tops and dresses

While we still like to keep out cute top and dress game on, the weather might say otherwise. But it’s nothing that can’t be solved. Simply swap your tops and dresses for knitted ones and you are good to go.


Another lifesaver in this period. Shackets, or shirt-jackets, usually opted for as a lighter version of a jacket but still keep you warm, unlike regular shirts. They are also a perfect option if you are into more casual looks as opposed to blazers or cardigans.

Leather jackets

Do we even need to add anything here? Leather jackets are an absolute must-have staple piece in your wardrobe. And we are not talking only about these months. There is nothing more timeless than a leather jacket. We highly recommend investing in a high quality one that will last you a long time. Opt for a boxy fit, wider sleeves and a slightly cropped one and you cannot go wrong here.

Additionally, should you be looking for some more everyday fashion guidance, have a look at our wishlist for some shopping inspiration. Both high street and high end – we made sure to suit all budgets. And of course, links are included.

Media contact:
Karolina Capova
IG: kaia.cpv

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